TBE Voluntary Dues
Welcome! The following Q&As are designed to help you better understand how voluntary dues work at Temple Beth El (TBE). If you have any questions after reading the Q&A, please contact our executive director on (203) 322-6901, ext. 304.
Q. What are TBE voluntary dues?
A. In a voluntary dues arrangement, eligible members are permitted to pay any amount they choose each year to maintain their membership.
Q. Who is eligible for voluntary dues at TBE?
A. Any single individual under 40 years of age or any family where the adults are all under 40 is eligible to participate in a voluntary dues arrangement.
Q. Why did you implement an under-40 voluntary dues model?
A. We realize that many under-40 families and individuals have significant financial obligations and are reluctant to incur the additional cost of joining a synagogue — missing out on the many benefits being involved at Temple Beth El can provide them. As a result, we want to ease that financial commitment for these individuals and families.
Q. How do voluntary dues at TBE work?
A. Each year in July (or immediately when you join), you’ll receive a dues statement that includes three line-items: (1) a mandatory fee to help cover security-related expenses, for example, guards at TBE events, the latest in security technology, etc. (Unfortunately, it is a cost of “doing business” at all synagogues in today’s environment that I’m sure you’ll agree is needed.); (2) dues for Sisterhood; and (3) dues for Men’s Club. The latter two are optional payments, but we hope you will join the appropriate group(s) since they are important contributors to our overall programming and social life at TBE.
Within three months after receiving your statement, we will ask you for a commitment, indicating the dues amount you plan to commit to TBE for that year. We hope you will be as generous as you can. We’ll then factor your contribution into our budgeting process so we can continue to monitor our ongoing financial health and adjust our budget accordingly throughout the year.
Q. What services are not included in my dues?
A. Events that have a participation fee, such as concerts and certain special activities (often where a meal is served), are not included and must be paid for separately. However, most events are free and budgeted for and/or underwritten by Sisterhood, the Men’s Club or a congregant(s). Also not included are Kesher Beth El Religious School tuition, B’nai Mitzvah fees, and the availability of cemetery plots at Beth El Cemetery.
Q. Are High Holiday tickets a part of my membership?
A. Complimentary High Holiday tickets will be provided to all members in the family as defined by TBE bylaws. Members may purchase additional tickets based on TBE’s guest ticket policy in effect for that year.
Q. In many synagogues, members who pay voluntary dues are told what their “fair share” is, so they have a reference point when making a commitment. Do you have a published amount?
A. TBE’s Board of Trustees decided not to do this and left it to members on voluntary dues to decide what they want and/or can afford to give, hoping they will be as generous as possible.